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Complaint channel

What is the Communications Channel?
It consists of a confidential and transparent means of communication so that both the Group's employees and other interested third parties have an adequate channel to report any behavior that may lead to any irregularity or any act contrary to the law or internal regulations. .

What can be reported through this Channel?
-Infringements of European Union Law, provided that they are included within the provisions of the annex to Directive (EU) 2019/1937, affect the financial interests of the EU or affect the internal market in matters of competition and aid.

-Criminal or administrative infractions that cause damage to the general public interest or loss to the Public Treasury and/or Social Security.

Those matters not included in the provisions above are excluded from the material scope of this channel. As an example: complaints or demands, suggestions, interpersonal conflicts, or information that is already available to the public.

For more details, consult section 4 of the Communications Channel Protocol.

Who is it addressed to?
Workers or third parties who have a relationship with any company of the Ona Group .

What means are there to present communications?
•By sending an email to the following address:

•By sending a postal mail to the following address: calle Calabria, 129, mezzanine 1ª (08015-Barcelona), to the attention of the Legal Department.

•Verbally, through a face-to-face meeting with the Responsible Party, within a maximum period of 7 days from when the irregularity became known. To request a face-to-face meeting with the Controller, you must send an email to the address or send postal mail to the address calle Calabria, 129, entresuelo 1ª (08015-Barcelona).

•Through the web form.

Whoever submits a communication will have the right to have their identity not revealed to third parties, and communications may be made anonymously.

The Head of the Communications Channel will ensure at all times to maintain the confidentiality of both the informant and the content of the communication, in the terms provided for in Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of people who report on regulatory violations and the fight against corruption.

Communications Channel Protocol
You can access the Protocol by which the Communications Channel is regulated here
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