Carrer de la Ciutat de Reus, 19,
43840 Salou - Tarragona - España
- T. +34 877 080 690 - Reservations
- recepcion.jardines@onahotels.com
Longitude: 1.1289319318515931
Latitude: 41.08775380258604
Longitude: 1.1289319318515931
Latitude: 41.08775380258604
How to reach the aparthotel
Ona Jardines Paraisol does not provide airport transfer service.
From the airport
From Reus Airport, the drive to the apartments takes 15 minutes. From Barcelona Airport, it takes approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes.
By bus
BusPlana offers buses to Salou from Barcelona, Reus, Tarragona, and PortAventura.
Reus Airport
11 km
Ponent Beach
1.3 km
16.5 km
PortAventura World
6.5 km