Ctra. de Ransol, 1 AD100
00000 Canillo - Andorra - Andorra
- T. +376 85 28 80 - Reservations
- recepcion.tarter@onahotels.com
Longitude: 1.638897453973704
Latitude: 42.58184838291205
Longitude: 1.638897453973704
Latitude: 42.58184838291205
How to reach the apartments
Ona El Tarter does not provide a transfer service.
From the airport
The drive is 55 minutes from Andorra Airport and 3 hours from Barcelona Airport.
By taxi
From Andorra la Vella, the taxi journey takes 25 minutes.
Andorra Airport
43 km
1 km
Andorra la Vella
16 km
La Seu d'Urgell
37 km